Looking to Adopt ?

Chosen Parents Adoptions is an online service that assists attorneys and agencies locate women that are seeking families to place their children for adoption with. If you have a completed and approved home study and are seeking to adopt. We are not available to work directly with adopting families , but if you are working with an adoption consultant that is familiar with our program, they can reach out to us to have your profile posted on our site . We post families that are seeking to adopt as a courtesy and there is no cost to be posted on our website . We apologize but we are unable to post profiles from adopting families that reside in New York or New Jersey .

We highly recommend , that if you are just getting started , that you contact an adoption “consultant ” . Adoption consultants charge a reasonable fee to walk you through the process and to support you on your adoption journey . Chosen Parents Adoptions will require you to have an adoption consultant or attorney before we can work with you .

Adoption Information Services

Evermore Adoption Consultants

Kathie Otte Adoption Consultant

,RG Adoption Consulting

 Faithful Adoption Consultants

The Adoption Consultancy  

 Christian Adoption Consultants 

We can not recommend one in particular, so be sure to do your home work and ask for references and read reviews !