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Posting Parent Profile on site

How to have your profile posted on the Chosen Parents Adoptions site

How to Get Your Profile Posted on Chosen Parents Adoptions

First and foremost, we want to express our appreciation for your interest in Chosen Parents Adoptions. If you were referred to us by an adoption professional, you may already be aware of our innovative and creative marketing and advertising services, which include posting family profiles on our site without any upfront fees. If you stumbled upon our website while searching for “I want to adopt” or “best adoption services,” it may be beneficial to explore our sister website, chosenparents.com, specifically designed for adopting parents. You can also find a notification form on the front page there to be alerted about available adoption cases.

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at our discretion. We also have limitations on the number of profiles we post, and we may select profiles that align with certain criteria. Our objective is to provide a diverse group of adopting families so that expectant mothers can find parents who meet their criteria. Attorneys and agencies nationwide have access to our site and will utilize it when seeking families for their cases.

Here are the steps to have your profile posted on Chosen Parents Adoptions:

1. Submit Required Documents

  • Provide a copy of your active home study or a letter from your adoption professional confirming an approved home study. Email it to chosenparentsadoptions@gmail.com.

2. Create a Profile

  • Submit a PDF copy of your profile without any contact information, including phone numbers, last names, or the names of attorneys or adoption professionals. Consider hiring a professional to craft a unique profile that showcases your personality. We recommend smaller, custom profile creators for the best results. Once we post a professionally crafted profile with an eye-catching cover photo, it typically garners more attention. We post only the initial profile you send; no changes or replacements are allowed. Email it to chosenparentsadoptions@gmail.com.

3. Attach a Photo

  • Send a separate photo to be attached to your profile. It’s advisable to provide multiple high-quality photos, as we’ll select the best one for posting. Professional photos are preferred; avoid sending selfies. Expectant mothers appreciate the effort put into your adoption journey. If you’re on a budget, consider looking for deals on Groupon for professional photographers. Once posted, your photos and profile cannot be changed, so make sure they are of the highest quality. Email your chosen photos to chosenparentsadoptions@gmail.com.

4. Share Adoption Professional Details

  • Provide the name and contact information of your adoption consultant or professional. We exclusively work with families who have an attorney, agency, or consultant assisting them throughout the adoption process. Email this information to chosenparentsadoptions@gmail.com.

5. Provide Your Contact Information

  • Include all your contact information, such as phone numbers and email addresses. Email it to chosenparentsadoptions@gmail.com.

6. Specify Your Adoption Criteria

  • Share a list of the criteria you are seeking. Race, age, open to substance abuse etc. Email your criteria to chosenparentsadoptions@gmail.com.

7. Sign the Agreement

  • Sign the agreement found at This LINK. This allows us to post your profile.

8. Show Proof of Funds